No Matter What Your Wellness Needs Are, I Have a Program for You to Help You Make Your Mid Years and Beyond Your Best Years!
Choose Your Path to Wellness
Cancer Wellness
Whether you have been recently diagnosed, currently undergoing treatment, are a survivor, or just looking to do all you can to limit your possibility of cancer, this is the step for you.
Midlife Wellness
& Active Aging
& Active Aging
What if midlife and beyond did not mean a “battle” with our bodies that seems impossible to win? What if instead, we took our varying hormones and used them to win the battle? You CAN beat aging–I sure am–and I am going to show you how, too!
Other Wellness Concerns
Nearly all of my clients have a special health need, needs that aren’t or can’t be met at regular gyms, including joint replacement and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Lupus, PCOS, arthritis and auto-immune disorders. There is no “cookie cutter, one workout fits all. From functional aging to mobility and beyond, let’s explore together the program that is right for you.