Fulton's Premier Women's Wellness Studio
When you step into to the Studio, you will feel immediately at ease, more like home than your “typical gym”.
From the wood-grain cushioned gym flooring, to the vintage Heywood Wakefield furnishings, the chandelier ceiling fan, to the original turn-of-the-century moldings and large windows with abundant natural light.
The cozy consultation corner, complete with fireplace, is where we will chat about your vision for your wellness and create a path that honors where you are right now.
The soothing, diffused essential oils, ho’oponopono-infused music are just some of the many touches and enhancements that are not by chance. They are all part of my vision and drive to lift you into a healthier state, physically and mentally.
215 Cayuga Street in the Historic Cortini Building
Fulton, NY 13069