Cancer Wellness

It’s an interesting juxtaposition and definitely two words you don’t see together often or perhaps even think about belonging together.

I’m changing that one client at a time.

You see, to me, “wellness” is not about perfection or some idealistic, unrealistic state. It’s about taking you where you are right now, even if you have a disease like cancer, and doing all that you can do to be as healthy as possible.

My Cancer Wellness program is designed to do just that-make you as healthy as possible, no matter where you are in your journey from recently diagnosed to a long-term survivor. ​
“As a Cancer Exercise Specialist® (CES) I am a professional qualified to assess, design, and implement individual and group exercise programs for individuals diagnosed with cancer.

I am skilled in evaluating health behaviors and risk factors, conducting comprehensive fitness assessments, writing appropriate exercise recommendations, and motivating individuals to modify negative health habits and maintain positive lifestyle behaviors for health promotion.

I have a complete understanding of the entire cancer process from diagnosis to treatment, recovery, prevention of lymphedema, and contraindications.” 

~Cancer Exercise Specialist Handbook, Module 1, page 7

I am honored to be able to bring these services to the MISSION:midlife Wellness Studio~in person or virtually.

Cancer Recovery Program

My 6 month Cancer Recovery Program is the perfect “next step” once you have been released from treatment and/or physical therapy.  

During our time together we will focus on 3 phases using my 4 M Method to Wellness: Meals, Movement, Mindset and a little “Magic” (not actual magic, but the magic in how it all fits together 😉 )


PHASE 1: re·fresh /rəˈfreSH/ give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate.

  • Focused on rebuilding strength, mobility and flexibility
  • Also focus on any limitations identified during your assessment

PHASE 2re·store /rəˈstôr/ bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate.

  • Focused on wellness with real-life solutions

PHASE 3re·new /rəˈn(y)o͞o/ resume (an activity) after an interruption

  • Focused on stepping forward with vibrance and confidence

Start Your Wellness Journey Today!


Here is Just a Sampling of What Other Women, Women Just Like You, Had to Say After Investing in Themselves With Me

My Promise to You

I want every client to be 110% pleased to work with me, whether we are working 1 to 1, in a group class or a special program.

If you don’t feel successful, I don’t want your money! My promise to you is that if you have done the work, and/or followed the program protocols and you aren’t satisfied, I will give you you’re money back!

If you find yourself less than 110% pleased, just let me know! I will work with you to exceed your expectations, even if this means referring you to another coach.

As Seen On

Wellness News You Can Actually Use!

Each week you will get Monday Motivation and Mindset then on Friday’s I will be back with an area of Focus or some Food Fun! It’s not “Well that is great, Beth, but I could never do a burpee or spend all day Sunday in the kitchen making a week’s worth of tasteless fish and broccoli.” This is “real life stuff for real women”.

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